Logo Vincenzo Di Michele

“Landscape photography is not just the creation of beautiful images, but the art of capturing (in a frame) the emotion, the spirit and the suggestion of the environment in which we live.”

Vincenzo Di Michele

Dream – Nature – Passion

I explore the boundless vastness of the landscapes of this beautiful planet.

I love nature photography because there is harmony and art in it.

With my work I want to spread a simple message:
beauty is everywhere around us, and we are an integral part of it, with our flaws and strengths.

Photographic hikes, travels, workshop

Live an immersive experience in nature, merge you with the landscape and the camera. Together, we discover how to create images that go beyond the mere representation of a place. From planning the shot to its realization you will have the opportunity to learn shooting techniques, the use of your camera and train the “eye of the photographer”

Photo shoots, in nature

My photographic set is nature, with its landscapes and its light. From the union of these elements I want to enhance female beauty so that every woman can become aware of her intrinsic and unique attractiveness by breaking the modern and artificial canons and stereotypes forced on the female body.

Fine Art Prints

Photography is art and interpretation.
Printing on fine cotton paper with the Fine Art technique is the culmination of a long study and research work, aimed at obtaining a precious and valuable work, which goes beyond a simple piece of furniture.

An idea for an original gift or to embellish your studio or home

Vincenzo Di Michele

Vincenzo Di Michele: Photographer – Naturalist – Guide

Photographer by passion since I can remember.

Nature is the center of my life.

Nowadays, I am a landscape photographer, as well as a naturalist and hiking guide for Italian and foreign travels.




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